Do Himalayan Salt Lamps Work?
Recently a reader suggested I cover the topic of Himalayan salt crystal lamps. I have a bit of personal experience
What is Depleted Uranium?
One of my friends recently asked me what depleted uranium was. He had heard about it being dangerous and wondered
Why Oil Pulling is a Bad Idea
Something that came across my desk recently was the idea of using coconut oil or other vegetable-based oils as a
Is Raw Milk Safe to Drink?
Somehow I got into a debate on raw milk recently. Raw milk comes straight from the cow's udders
Does Water Dowsing Work?
Everyone knows I spend a (likely unhealthy) lot of time browsing Amazon. Recently, I came across this item. It was
The Concept of Dose Toxicity
Lately, I've seen some misunderstanding regarding the concept of "dose." Our predecessors once said, "sola
The Science Behind Laundry Balls
While I was digging around in the laundry room yesterday, I came across one of those plastic spiked balls that
The Reactor is Going Critical!
You hear that phrase a lot. Let's look at what it actually means, and you'll never
How to Read a Research Journal
Sometimes people will tell you to "cite your evidence" or something similar. If you've never had
Acidity in Bottled Water
There are more diet plans out there than anyone could count. The alkaline diet is one diet plan based entirely